Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Polar Bear

                 This Blog post is going to tell you about Polar Bears.  Polar Bears are very interesting beast. They are the only bear that doesn't hibernate! Polar bears are in danger of being endangered though! They are a victim of hunting, global warming and being shot for being around people. If we do not want to see this animal go, then we should take action to help it.

                 Polar bears are probably more important than humans so I think we should try to help them before we even try to help ourselves. They are a great creature that should be saved.
Please join me and my team work together to go to Alaska and live side by side with these animals.
We will be going to live with them for 3 weeks. We will hunt with them, eat with them, and sleep in the same cave with them. It will be fun so wish us luck!

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